First steps with Usersnap
Welcome to Usersnap
Thanks for choosing Usersnap to help your company collect and manage customer feedback on your website and web applications and to improve the feedback process for your web development.
Getting started with Usersnap is really easy with just a few simple steps.
Here are a few quick links:
Once you have a Usersnap account, you can go ahead and do the following:
Step 1. Create a Usersnap project
If your first project is the feedback menu, please follow this guide. -
Step 3. Add more team members.
Step 4. Select your colllection type and publish the widget accordingly on your website or web app.
Step 5. Manage and share feedback
Step 6. Create multiple spaces
Or pay a visit to Doctor Feedback to see how you can improve your health in customer-led growth:
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Updated about 2 years ago